Sunday, April 19, 2009


Good Morning Middle School! 

Don't forget to vote on this week's new poll located to the left of this post.

Last week's results had Lean on Me as the song that best describes middle school by a pretty large margin (10 votes vs. 3 for the runner up song Where is the love).

Here is what is going on this week:

  • Rag time in school rehearsal
  • 6th grade Earth day speaker Ms. Durbin (GRU/Pk parent) will speak about energy conservation in Science Class.
  • team leaders meeting 3:00pm
  • Middle school lead team meets in Greg's room at lunch (Mayra, Greg, Teddi, Lisa, Christy, Carmen and Amy)-agenda is planning the division meeting and even if you are not on lead team you are welcome to attend.
  • SAC 5:30pm get your team's info to Greg
  • 7th grade Earth day celebration: Florida's endangered species presentations followed by a song and seed festival with emphasis on planting native florida plants around the PKY campus.
  • Division meeting 3:00pm place TBA
Coming Soon/Announcements:
  • 4/27 COFT meeting
  • 4/28 patrol trip to DC
  • 4/29 department meetings
  • 4/30 ragtime preview
  • Happy Birthday to: Carolyn Harrell 4/24 and Amy Murphy 4/25!!!
"What I know for sure is that what you give comes back to you."
Oprah Winfrey
I am looking forward to another great week,

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