Sunday, May 17, 2009


Good Monday Morning Middle School!

Here is our week:

  • COFT meeting 3:00pm
  • The fabulous band under the direction of Mrs. Jaime Burg will perform for one night only in the PAC. 7:00pm and if you did not go to the last performance you should come to this one. I do not know what to say other than it is amazing!
  • Middle School Lead Team meets at lunch Greg's room-Greg, Teddi, Mayra, Christy, Carmen, Lisa and Amy H. Agenda-planning the division meeting-all are welcome to attend this meeting if you are interested in helping out!
  • SAC 5:30 please send team info to Greg.
  • Division meeting 3:00pm hosted by Carolyn Harrell in the literary garden.
  • 4th period MS  R-Evolution Preview 9:20am (20-30 minutes)-please let me know by Wednesday if you plan to take your class so I can make a seating chart.
  • Yearbook signing in the gym 2nd half of fifth period
  • R U Ready? Can U handle it? R-Evolution for one night only at the PKY PAC 7:00pm. This is the instrumental music ensemble class' performance and it is a real rock, blues, bluegrass and funkadelic student organized production. Best of all it is Free! 
Coming Soon/Announcements:
  • With three weeks left students are going to be testing their boundaries. Please help be more proactive out by maintaining the following procedures: Classroom doors open at 8:15am, all teachers at doors and monitoring the sidewalks during student passing periods and end of the day dismissal. The more adults we have out the more proactive we can be in keeping our students safe.
  • 3 day weekend-thank you Memorial Day!
  • 5/27 Department meetings
  • 5/28 8th grade camp McConnell trip
  • 5/29 Graduation

Happy Birthday to: 
  • Leslie Scott 5/17 (4th grade)
  • Officer Blair 5/20
  • Jackie Sirmopoulos and Matt Burg 5/21 
"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future 
by merely changing his attitude." 

Have a super week,

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