Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 4-8

Good Morning Middle School!

It is teacher appreciation week so take some time to enjoy the goodies in your boxes and the breakfast Friday. You deserve a big round of applause for all the wonderful things that you do for our students.

Go Blue Wave Faculty!

Here is our week:

Monday 5/4:
  • Ragtime in school performance 9:30am
  • Team Leaders meeting 3:00pm
Wednesday 5/6:
  • 1:00pm 5th to 6th grade transition SST meeting 
  • 3:00pm K-12 faculty meeting
Friday 5/8:
  • Breakfast goodies for teacher appreciation week
  • payday
  • Ragtime 7:00pm
Coming Soon/announcements:
  • 5/11 progress reports go home/department chairs meeting/research in action
  • 5/12 PKYPTO
  • 5/13 department meetings
  • 5/14 spring arts festival
  • Ragtime is awesome!
  • FCAT 8th grade writing scores are terrific!
  • Happy Birthday to: Diane Skye (HS art) 5/4 and Sandhya Keska (elem OT support) 5/8!!!
Eleanor Roosevelt

See you in your rooms,

1 comment:

  1. There is a Thurdsay show of Ragtime also.
