Sunday, May 31, 2009

Last MS Memo 2008-09!

Good Morning Middle School,

Welcome to our last Middle School Memo of the 2008-09 school year. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for making this the best year for our students and our school. I enjoyed learning alongside each of  you this year.

Here is what is going on this week:

  • 4,5,6 day
  • Team leader meeting after school
  • 1,2,3, day
  • Exams 1,2
  • early release 12:25
  • Exams 3,4
  • early release 12:25
  • Exams 5,6
  • early release 12:25 
  • EOY luncheon 1:00

“We are all, whether we know it or not, are fighting to make the kind of world that we should like.”  Oliver Wendell Holmes


See you in your classrooms and thank you for a great year,


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Week of May 25-29

Good Morning Middle School!

Here is our week:

Monday: No School Memorial day :)

Wednesday: Department meetings

Thursday: 8th grade to Camp McConnell

Friday: Graduation 7:00pm Phillips Center

Coming Soon/Announcements:
  • Monday 6/1 team leader meeting after school
  • Wednesday 6/3: Exams periods 1 and 2
  • Wednesday 6/3: Transition SST meeting 8th to 9th grade
  • Thursday 6/4: Exams 4th and 5th period
  • Friday 6/5: Exams 5th and 6th period
  • Friday 6/5: students last day faculty and staff luncheon
Have a super week,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Adanna Thompson Middle School State Champion Long Jump
MS state record holder in the Long Jump


Good Monday Morning Middle School!

Here is our week:

  • COFT meeting 3:00pm
  • The fabulous band under the direction of Mrs. Jaime Burg will perform for one night only in the PAC. 7:00pm and if you did not go to the last performance you should come to this one. I do not know what to say other than it is amazing!
  • Middle School Lead Team meets at lunch Greg's room-Greg, Teddi, Mayra, Christy, Carmen, Lisa and Amy H. Agenda-planning the division meeting-all are welcome to attend this meeting if you are interested in helping out!
  • SAC 5:30 please send team info to Greg.
  • Division meeting 3:00pm hosted by Carolyn Harrell in the literary garden.
  • 4th period MS  R-Evolution Preview 9:20am (20-30 minutes)-please let me know by Wednesday if you plan to take your class so I can make a seating chart.
  • Yearbook signing in the gym 2nd half of fifth period
  • R U Ready? Can U handle it? R-Evolution for one night only at the PKY PAC 7:00pm. This is the instrumental music ensemble class' performance and it is a real rock, blues, bluegrass and funkadelic student organized production. Best of all it is Free! 
Coming Soon/Announcements:
  • With three weeks left students are going to be testing their boundaries. Please help be more proactive out by maintaining the following procedures: Classroom doors open at 8:15am, all teachers at doors and monitoring the sidewalks during student passing periods and end of the day dismissal. The more adults we have out the more proactive we can be in keeping our students safe.
  • 3 day weekend-thank you Memorial Day!
  • 5/27 Department meetings
  • 5/28 8th grade camp McConnell trip
  • 5/29 Graduation

Happy Birthday to: 
  • Leslie Scott 5/17 (4th grade)
  • Officer Blair 5/20
  • Jackie Sirmopoulos and Matt Burg 5/21 
"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future 
by merely changing his attitude." 

Have a super week,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Week of 5/11-5/15

Hoops for Heart with Coach Butler, GO GATORS!!!!!

Hello Middle School,

I hope that everyone had a great weekend! I went to see Ragtime on Saturday and was blown away. 

As the year is rushing to a close we have another busy and fun week ahead of us.

Here is what is going on:
  • Research in Action today!! 
  • Progress reports go home-please take some time in homeroom to talk about academics today.
  • 3:00pm Department chairs meeting in the Dean's conference room
  • 5:30pm PKYPTO meeting
  • 3:00pm department meetings
  • Amy H. off campus (I am being a mom and took a personal day to go on Jack's class trip to the Jax Zoo)
  • 4-7pm Spring Arts Festival
  • Prom!!!
Coming Soon/Announcements:
  • 5/18 COFT mtg 3:00pm
  • 5/18 Band concert
  • 5/19 Middle School Lead team 12:25pm
  • 5/20 Division mtg 3:00pm
  • 5/22 R-evolution concert (instrumental Music Ensemble class)
  • Congratulations to Christy, she is expecting a baby!
  • Happy Birthday to: Brian LaPlant(5/13)!!!
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
-Pablo Picasso
Spanish Cubist painter (1881 - 1973)
See you in your rooms,

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 4-8

Good Morning Middle School!

It is teacher appreciation week so take some time to enjoy the goodies in your boxes and the breakfast Friday. You deserve a big round of applause for all the wonderful things that you do for our students.

Go Blue Wave Faculty!

Here is our week:

Monday 5/4:
  • Ragtime in school performance 9:30am
  • Team Leaders meeting 3:00pm
Wednesday 5/6:
  • 1:00pm 5th to 6th grade transition SST meeting 
  • 3:00pm K-12 faculty meeting
Friday 5/8:
  • Breakfast goodies for teacher appreciation week
  • payday
  • Ragtime 7:00pm
Coming Soon/announcements:
  • 5/11 progress reports go home/department chairs meeting/research in action
  • 5/12 PKYPTO
  • 5/13 department meetings
  • 5/14 spring arts festival
  • Ragtime is awesome!
  • FCAT 8th grade writing scores are terrific!
  • Happy Birthday to: Diane Skye (HS art) 5/4 and Sandhya Keska (elem OT support) 5/8!!!
Eleanor Roosevelt

See you in your rooms,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 27-May1

Good Morning Middle School!

I am so excited about all the great things going on in middle school right now. 

Results for last week's poll showed that the majority of our faculty would like to wear PJs to work if they could. 

Here is what our week looks like:

  • COFT meeting 3:00pm
  • 5th grade patrols leave for DC at 3:00am-smile at a fifth grade teacher and Randy S. when you see them in the halls Monday.
  • Middle school art show opens 4-6pm in the PKY gallery.
  • Department meetings 3:00pm
  • Ragtime preview 9:30am (seating charts will be in your boxes)
  • 7-9pm High school art show Rietz Union-UF campus
  • Ragtime opening night!
Announcements/Coming Soon:
  • 5/4 team leaders meeting
  • 5/4-5/8 teacher appreciation week
  • 5/6 k-12 faculty meeting
  • Happy Birthday to: Fran 4/28!
"It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come."

See you in your rooms,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Snapshots of  our Middle School Day


Good Morning Middle School! 

Don't forget to vote on this week's new poll located to the left of this post.

Last week's results had Lean on Me as the song that best describes middle school by a pretty large margin (10 votes vs. 3 for the runner up song Where is the love).

Here is what is going on this week:

  • Rag time in school rehearsal
  • 6th grade Earth day speaker Ms. Durbin (GRU/Pk parent) will speak about energy conservation in Science Class.
  • team leaders meeting 3:00pm
  • Middle school lead team meets in Greg's room at lunch (Mayra, Greg, Teddi, Lisa, Christy, Carmen and Amy)-agenda is planning the division meeting and even if you are not on lead team you are welcome to attend.
  • SAC 5:30pm get your team's info to Greg
  • 7th grade Earth day celebration: Florida's endangered species presentations followed by a song and seed festival with emphasis on planting native florida plants around the PKY campus.
  • Division meeting 3:00pm place TBA
Coming Soon/Announcements:
  • 4/27 COFT meeting
  • 4/28 patrol trip to DC
  • 4/29 department meetings
  • 4/30 ragtime preview
  • Happy Birthday to: Carolyn Harrell 4/24 and Amy Murphy 4/25!!!
"What I know for sure is that what you give comes back to you."
Oprah Winfrey
I am looking forward to another great week,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week of 4/13

  • Report cards distributed in home room
  • 3:00pm department chair meeting
  • 5:30pm PKYPTO meeting (elections)
  • 3:00pm Department meetings
  • Research in Action
Coming Soon/Announcements:
  • 4/20 team leader meeting 3:00pm
  • 4/21 Middle School lead team meets during lunch
  • 4/21 SAC meeting-send Greg your team's info to share
  • 4/22 MS division meeting
  • 4/25 HS grad bash
  • Yearly evaluations-Language Arts, Social Studies and MS technology, Art, Band, PA, Support, and PE-I will be meeting with you in the next week to do a pre observation meeting and then completing evaluations in the following weeks.
  • Happy Birthday to: Kim Brown (elementary TA) 4/12, Melanie Heflin (business office) and Neila Hutson 4/17, and Cindy King (HS Math) 4/18!!!
"Teachers who inspire realize there will always be rocks in the road ahead of us. They will be stumbling blocks or stepping stones; it all depends on how we use them."
-author unknown